Jared Rickert

Jared Rickert

Jared RickertCo-owner


“Purpose is an incredible alarm clock” -Anonymous

Favorite CrossFit Movement:  anything overhead or shoulders!

Worst CrossFit Movement:  PISTOLS!


Although cross-training has been a staple in my life for over 20 years, my CrossFit journey didn’t begin until 6 years ago.

Growing up I was involved in just about every athletic.  If it was competitive, I was going to give it a shot.  But wrestling is what molded the man I am today.

From high school and into college at the University of Minnesota, wrestling taught me principles to live by.  It was in those competitive years that I established an interest in testing my personal limits.  Constantly trying to beat a previous version of myself, no matter the activity.


Post college I had a job that was mainly travel.  I was in every corner of the country but my fitness was getting stagnant.  I knew something had to change.  Shortly after I stumbled on a few WOD’s on the internet and decided to give this CrossFit thing a shot.  It was everything I needed, I was hooked from day one.

I am currently a Level One CrossFit Trainer, my day job is Sales Management at S&S Distributing, and I am also the Head Wrestling Coach at Sparta High School.  I have a beautiful wife-Alli, two dogs-Ruby and Chuckie, and our first baby due February 2018!

No matter your background or experience, we will help you push through your own personal goals in order to better your life!  Get in here!